Wednesday 11 June 2014

Preliminary activity

The subject is filmed walking slowly to build up tension and entering the room. The two characters then sit opposite each other at a table in preparation for an investigation of a murder case. The investigator slides over an image of a footprint from the scene but the suspect denies being in that place at that time, then an image of another suspect is shown and they again deny any knowledge. The dialogue will include questions asking where the suspect was at the time of the crime and what they were doing. The suspect lies, the investigator shows CCTV image of the two suspects together at the crime scene. The suspect gets up and tries to run however he is caught and handcuffed. 

Shot list
  1. Extreme close up of suspects feet walking 
  2. Establishing shot of investigator sitting at desk looking through papers 
  3. Long shot of suspect walking and opening the door 
  4. Tracking shot of suspects feet from a low angle
  5. Extreme close up of the suspect opening the door
  6. Panning shot of suspect walking over to the chair
  7. Over the shoulder shot of investigator sliding over the first image, the suspect shakes his head 
  8. Point of view shot of suspect looking at the second image 
  9. Extreme close up of the suspects mouth speaking 
  10. Low angle shot showing the investigator asking questions to show authority
  11. Mid shot of investigator holding up the CCTV image
  12. Zoom in to the CCTV image to an extreme close up
  13. Long shot of the victim getting up and heading for the door 
  14. Extreme close up of the victims feet running away
  15. Establishing shot of suspects feet running away down corridor 
  16. High angle shot of suspect running away down the corridor
  17. Over the shoulder shot of the investigator running after the suspect 
  18. Hand held shot of suspect reaching a dead end
  19. Establishing shot showing no escape 
  20. Point of view shot as the investigator walks directly up to suspect
  21. Close up shot of suspect being arrested - held against wall

Suspect walking through door; alright nods head
Investigator is sitting down at the table

Investigator: Please take a seat (3) (slides forward a photo) do you recognise this place?

Suspect: (shakes head) No I have never been there

Investigator: Okay then (2) (slides back photo and hands over another) Have you been in contact with this person recently?

Suspect: I don’t even know who that is

Investigator: Goes by the name of Marcus?

Suspect: No, never heard of them

Investigator: So you have never had any contact with them at all?

Suspect: No

Investigator: Well we have reason to believe otherwise, this CCTV image says different (shows photo) If you haven’t been here and don’t know this person, how do you explain this?

Suspect: I... I don’t know (stands up quickly and runs to exit) 

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