Sunday 7 December 2014

Trailer shot list and Script

  1. Establishing shot of the outside of house (with ringing of phone)  04/11/14 6pm
  2. Black screen (with voicemail and beep)                    
  3. MS of wife cooking dinner (with voiceover of the phone call she made earlier) 
  4. OSS of the pot overflowing and wife panicking (smoke alarms starts)
  5. Wide shot of wife’s feet running (doorbell rings)
  6. Establishing tilt upwards shot of wife trying to stop smoke alarm
  7. POV and CU of wife’s hand on handle opening door
  8. OSS and MS of burglar aggressively pushing door (wife’s scream)
  9. Two shot of burglar pushing her and the wife struggling and pleading
  10.  Tilt downwards and CU shot of burglar punching the wife in the stomach
  11. Tracking and MS of burglar drawing knife from back pocket (diegetic sound of knife blade)
  12. CU shot of wife crying (echo effect)
  13. ECU of the boss’ mouth talking into a phone                               11/11/14
  14. ECU of the hitman’s eye’s agreeing to the assignment
  15. High angle shot from behind the hit man as call ends
  16. LS of the exchange of a briefcase with the gun and information of target inside
  17. OSS of hitman opening it, taking out the gun and reading document
  18. Tracking shot following hit man down alley way swinging gun at his side
  19. Panning OSS/CU of Jade looking back over her shoulder and screaming (gunshot noise)
  20. Establishing shot of gang members running towards Jade from other side
  21. POV pan shot of the hit man running away
  22. High angle shot of them crouching next to her
  23. ECU low angle shot of one of the gang members face looking up in anger
  24. Tracking mid shot of hit man walking along street two gang members appear behind him                                                                                                    27/11/14
  25. MS of them grabbing him and starting to beat him up
  26. POV of the hitman being thrown in a boot and gang members slamming it shut
  27. CU of a gun being held to the hitman’s head in a dark room
  28. ECU of the hitman saying ‘Go ahead, I ain’t scared but even after I’m gone there’s no escape of what happens next’ 

Voice over: Infraction (.) A violation or infringement of the law

Sound effect: Please leave a message after the tone (beep) 

Voice over of wife: Hey hunny (.) just to let you know dinners at 7 see you soon (.) I love you

Dialogue of wife: (Screams) Please (.) Please (Cries)

Voice over: Revenge requires retribution

Dialogue of gang: Get him in (.) Quick (.) Go go go 

Dialogue of hitman: Go ahead (.) It'll be your mistake 

Risk Assessment Document

Thursday 4 December 2014

Planning for photoshoot

These are images I have gathered from the internet to show what types of props, costume, body language and facial expressions I want my protagonist to use when posing for photographs for my print products such as the DVD cover, Magazine, Poster and Billboard. It is important that my model keeps a serious, straight face to portray himself as intimidating, mysterious and potentially very dangerous so that the audience gets the right impression that he is a hit man with motives to kill without remorse. I think he should use a prop, a gun would be most fitting as it is a threatening weapon and it will be shown throughout the trailer therefore it is an object of significance which needs to be clearly portrayed in the advertisements. My model could be holding the gun up in front of him pointing towards the camera lens or holding it upwards by the side of his face so that the weapon is the main focus and attracts the audience due to the danger. The shots that I have found are mostly ECU, CU, BCU or MS as these are suitable for a front cover as they allow the audience to become familiar with the protagonist and be drawn into their emotions. My model should have a dark costume consisting of black, grey, navy colours and he could have his hood up to create mystery or some sort of scarf covering his mouth however it is important that his eyes are visible so the audience feels engaged. His body language should be quite stiff and authoritative as he needs to look fearless therefore he needs to look alert and ready rather than relaxed. 

Timings and equipment needed for photoshoot:

We will begin to take photographs of our hitman (Ihsaan) on Thursday 11th December 2014 at approximately 10am, we will give ourselves a maximum of 1 hour photoshoot time. 

We will be taking the photos inside Plantsbrook School building as this offers us the resources we need, a plain white background will be best so that my model will be the main focus and there will be nothing to distract the attention away from him. We may also use areas around the school such as a brick wall or alleyway with graffiti to represent the modern, urban feel to our hit man crime thriller film as well as supporting the stereotype of young males being involved with criminal activity and violence. It is important that we have good lighting so that the facial expressions of the models face can be seen clearly, we will then edit these photos afterwards. 
  • Camera and lens 
  • Tripod 
  • Costume - hoodie, scarf 
  • Prop - gun 

Film Logo Ideas

Tester Trailer using KSI/2

I have used footage from my key scene 1 and 2 to test whether it works in a short opening scene of this tester trailer, I have used imovie to cut these clips together and have used quite a few fade to black effects to build up suspense. I have used a tense soundtrack from youtube to see whether it gives the right effect on my audience so that I can incorporate this type of sound in the finished product. I have added a telephone audio effect onto the voice over at the start to make it more believable and have amplified the screams and pleads of the wife to show her stress. I have added the 'cathedral' echo effect onto the wife's crying to make it louder so the audience is drawn in to her emotions and can feel sympathy. A cut to a black screen has been used at the end to give a sudden, dramatic ending as the audience expects to see what happens next however it leaves them on a cliff hanger which is a convention of a hitman crime thriller. 

Audience Theory Research

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