Tuesday 11 November 2014

Planning for more filming (Key scene one)

After filming our first key scene and putting the clips in order on imovie as well as beginning to edit and add effects, it is clear that we need to redo some shots because the continuity editing isn't completely smooth and continuous which is important to ensure the scene is linked and professional. Also we have decided to add a few more camera shots/angles (which are listed below) so that we do not have too many long takes because this becomes boring to the audience. At some points more diegetic sound is needed, such as the wife screaming, so it seems more realistic. We think that we should use a tripod to film some parts so there is less shakiness of the camera, also a skateboard may be useful for the tracking shot of the feet. We may add in another prop, a knife, so the burglar seems more intimidating and will cause the audience to feel anxious. The weaknesses that we have identified has enabled us to improve our scene by writing an additional shot list so we can organise more filming to fill in gaps and redo shots. 

We had a group meeting in Monday's media lesson (10th November at 10am) to organise this filming time, we have decided that we will do more filming for key scene one on Thursday 13th November 2014 at 6.30pm  at my house. We have created a group chat on the social networking site Facebook so that we can communicate our ideas and arrange when we can meet up to film, this is a efficient and modern way to keep updated with each other. 

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