Sunday 11 January 2015

Audience Feedback

I have created a short questionnaire to hand out to my target audience so that I can get their preference on which film title logo idea is their favourite as their opinions are important as I am aiming this hitman crime thriller film 'Infraction' to men and women from the age of 15 up to around 55 years old. Therefore I will ask approximately 10 males and 10 females to get a fair result by asking both genders which logos appeal to them the most, 20 people in total. I will ask a range of ages between 15-55 as different age groups will have different opinions and preferences so it's important to try and attract a wide target audience as I expect 'Infraction' to be a mainstream film rather than having a niche market. 

This bar chart shows that logo 1 and 5 were the most popular with my potential audience as they got 5 votes each. Comments I received were that the logos were simple but bold and clear, therefore they will be more visible when it's been placed on either a poster, billboard or magazine cover. Logo 3 was also quite well liked as it got 4 votes, the audience seemed to like the small gun image above the lettering however they were not as fond of the font used. 

This bar chart shows that the audience much preferred the film company production logo 1 and 2 as they got 8 votes each where as logo 3 only got 4 votes. Many people liked the movie reel image in logo 2 as they felt it was more associated with the film industry however some said they prefer the font in logo 1. 

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