Saturday 20 September 2014

Initial Ideas

I am thinking of creating a crime thriller which would involve elements of mystery and suspicion to create suspense which is the main aim. The crime could potentially be a wide range of things such as money, drugs, extortion, hostage taking, murder, theft, smuggling, torture, riots or robbery. Examples of existing films which have the genre of crime thriller include; Sin City, Need for Speed, Pulp Fiction, Taken and Prisoners. It is important that I begin to think about characters, location and mise-en-scene so that I can be realistic about my ideas as the budget of my trailer will be nothing. Crime thrillers often focus on the criminals and their activities leading up to the actual crime or in retrospect the ending of the film leading back to how it all started and they usually emphasis action over psychological aspects. The thriller and suspense part of the film are known to promote intense excitement, a high level of anticipation, ultra-heightened expectation, uncertainty and nerve-wracking tension. The main goal is to keep the audience at the 'edge of their seats' as the plot builds to a climax. 

Film idea storyline one:
A briefcase containing a mystery item needs to be transported to a secret location by midnight in 24 hours. The briefcase is constantly passed between different people who are part of the secret society however it is stolen by an outsider. Therefore it's a race against time to retrieve the briefcase to hand to the boss before the deadline, otherwise there will be disastrous consequences. 

The Boss - Shady, mysterious, unknown, intimidating 
Shayne Walterson - Leader of secret society, in charge, intelligent
Ashton Roach - Member of secret society, assists leader, serious, strong
Jed Gregory- Steals briefcase, daring, smart, fast, brave, independent 

This supports Todorov's theory of equilibrium, disequilibrium and a new equilibrium as there will be disruption and conflict in the middle which causes the suspense and excitement and the issue will finally be resolved, however it won't be the same as the beginning. 

Film idea storyline two:
A young girl gets kidnapped at a train station, however it is conducted quickly and quietly. Her boyfriend calls her, her phone is on the platform floor. The kidnappers contact him and say they are keeping her hostage until he can pay them for the drugs he is in debt for plus interest otherwise she will die. He must go on a mission to rescue her and sort out his problems that are endangering his loved ones.

Dan Bryant - The boyfriend, determined, protective, strong, 
Mollie Perry-  The girlfriend, vulnerable, scared, weak
Kidnapper 1/2 - Violent, aggressive, short-tempered, fearless 

This supports Levi-Strauss and Barthes theory of binary opposites, good vs evil, as the main character must decide whether to carry out the crime to protect his loved ones or find a way to defend the innocent. 

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