Thursday 25 September 2014

Target Audience

My target audience 
My target audience is people who enjoy watching thrillers and I will incorporate crime to create a crime thriller genre which will appeal to both males and females. Stereotypically these types of films may be targeted more towards males due to their rough nature however I want mine to appeal to women as well to broaden my audience. Usually crime thrillers would be aimed at a more mature audience due to the references to violence and language choice. The certificate for this type of film is normally 15 according to the BBFC (British Board of Film Classification) therefore my target audience would mainly be between 15 and 55 year olds as teenagers, young adults and adults are likely to be attracted to the characters and content as it will involve elements of action and will keep the audience guessing. However it will not be suitable for those under the age of 15 as the content will be too aggressive and it is unlikely that this type of film would be popular with the elderly for the same reason. 

Group A (professionals)
Upper middle class, e.g. barristers 

Group B (Managerial) 
Middle class, e.g. Bank managers

Group C1 (Non-manual)
Lower middle class, white collar workers, e.g. Office workers

Group C2 (Manual) 
Skilled working class, blue collar workers, e.g. Car mechanics

Group D (Partly skilled)
Semi or unskilled manual workers, e.g. Assembly line workers

Group E (Unskilled)
Casual workers or students 

My target audience will not necessarily fit into one group on the JICNAR scale because a crime thriller film has a mainstream audience which appeals to a wide range of people. The film may appeal to Group A professionals as they are not used to crime in their own lifestyles because of their class and status therefore it's something new for them to experience. However it may also appeal to Group E casual workers or students where crime is more prominent as the younger ages and lower classes are more stereotypically involved in crime and they can relate to certain aspects such as gangs. Films are used for entertainment purposes and used to pass the time, therefore it is important that a film can have a wide target audience in order for it to achieve the greatest success. 

Questions to ask my target audience
  1. Do you enjoy watching crime thrillers and which existing films do you like?
  2. Did you prefer pitch idea 1 or 2?
  3. Why did you prefer that particular one?
  4. Which elements of pitch idea 1 did you like and why?
  5. Which elements of pitch idea 2 did you like and why?
  6. What else do you think could be added or incorporated to improve the pitch ideas?
  7. Do you think either of these ideas should be made into a film and why?
  8. Would the film titles 'Dispatch' or 'Captive' intrigue you to watch the crime thriller?

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