Wednesday 15 October 2014

Inspiration for our trailer

This film is an action, crime thriller which is a new 2014 film about a man who believes he has put his mysterious past behind him and has dedicated to beginning a new, quiet life. But he meets a young girl under the control of ultra-violent Russian gangsters, he can't stand idly by - he has to help her. 

I can take inspiration from this trailer or incorporate elements which follow our detailed narrative. This plot is similar to what we want to create because it involves violence and weapons such as guns and knives as well as a group of people (Russian gangsters) which is the equivalent to our gang made of teenagers. 

I think the scene where the main character, Robert McCall goes to confront the Russian mob (starting from 1:13) uses a good range of camera angles because it builds suspense.  There's a quick establishing shot which allows the audience to see how many men are positioned around the room. There is then a MCU of the door handle being turned and unlocked to show intrusion.  A long shot is used with a zoom in to draw attention to McCall to portray power and importance however there is a pull focus showing the men laughing showing they are not worried because he is surrounded and outnumbered. There's a ECU of McCall's eyes which show his anger and cuts quickly to a CU of a knife in his hand which suggests violence and tells the audience there will be head-to-head conflict. Another CU with a slight low angle of a Russian gang member shows sly, intimidating behaviour and an ECU shows McCall's eyes again which look to the side to show he has noticed them starting to move and prepare to attack him. A wide shot shows the gang member pulling out a gun next to his leg, with quick fading to black effects to create tension. There's a mid-shot and then ECU of his watch which adds the element of time which creates more suspense. I also like the music that is playing as the soundtrack which is Eminem - Guts Over Fear ft. Sia, this is contemporary music which is seen as 'cool' and 'up-to-date' and shows that McCall is not intimidated or scared of the men. 

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