Sunday 12 October 2014

Market Research

We have received 25 responses on our survey after we posted the link on Twitter and Facebook, 32% were males and 68% were females which shows that more females have taken the survey. This is probably because females are more likely to take time to complete it, also as we are females ourselves we could have a larger amount of female followers and friends on these social networking sites. Therefore it is unlikely we will ever get exactly the same amount of male and female responses as we cannot influence their choice otherwise it could be bias. However it would be useful to have a range of results from both genders as it provides us with opinions which is important as we are targeting our film trailer at males and females. 
The age of our audience seems to be mainly 15-25 year olds as 60% are between these ages which is due to the fact our social networking friends and followers are around the same age as ourselves and are predominantly teenagers. This suggests that crime thrillers will be popular amongst this age group and they would watch the film at the cinema, online or on Netflix etc.  People who are over the age of 25 may not use social networking sites as regularly, 16% were between 26-40 which was the smallest age group in the responses we received. These adults are important therefore it would be beneficial if we could get more responses from them as they make up a large majority of our target audience, we might need to obtain their results in a different way as we do not have many friends or followers of this age. This could be done by finding individuals and giving them our phones to access the survey and getting them to answer the questions on the spot as they are familiar with technology. In the 40 and above age group 24% responded to our survey which could involve parents and other family members. We only have a very small percentage of middle aged and elderly friends and followers on Twitter and Facebook as they are not likely to have an account, this means we might have to use questionnaires to get their feedback. 

From the three individual ideas that were put forward idea one, about a girl who is kidnapped and held hostage because her boyfriend was in debt for drugs and he must rescue her, got 9 votes which is 36%. Idea two, about a group of girls who carry out a bank heist, got 7 votes which is 28%. Idea three, about a hit man earning money for a better life for his younger sister who framed by his step-brother also got 9 votes which is 36%. These results show that idea one and three were the most appealing, although the results were very close therefore elements from each idea could be incorporated into the final treatment.

We asked our audience if there is anything they would change or add from their most preferred idea by adding a suggestion box at the end of our survey. Some of their responses are shown below; 

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