Sunday 12 October 2014

Treatment for movie trailer production

Production company name: Insignia 
Production team members: Claire Lewis, Eve Foran and Megan Sutton
Genre: Crime thriller
Title of production: Infraction 

Synopsis: An ordinary boy attends college and is secretly  a hit man and receives a phone call offering a large sum of money to kill someone. However the hit man kills this individual but later realises he is part of a gang. In revenge they kidnap the hit man and he must plan his escape before his life is taken too. 

Detailed narrative outline: A house is broken in to by a teenager, in the process a woman is attacked and injured with bruising around her neck, she steals some of her possessions and leaves her mentally scarred and alone cowering in a corner. A young 18 year old boy attends college however he feels socially excluded and doesn't have any friends. He receives a phone call while he is at college from his boss saying 'I have another job for you' and offers the largest sum of money he has ever been offered (£100,000). The boss wants him to murder someone who has attacked his wife. The boy accepts and follows the individual down an alley way and shoots them before she can defend herself. As the hit man approaches the body he sees a gang symbol/tattoo on her arm. The gang later realises one of their members have been killed and they want to seek revenge by tracking down the hit man and kidnapping him. He wakes up in a dark, basement room and must escape before they kill him in vengeance. 

Intended target audience: Both male and females from social classes A to E as the film can appeal to people with well-paid jobs, middle class, lower class as well as students. The age range will be 15 +, this is because we do not want to put a limit on our audience as it depends on the individuals taste. 

Key characters:

  • The hitman - aged 18    Wayne 
  • The victim - aged 18     Jade
  • Gang members - between the ages of 17-21   Roxie, Dominick, Reagan 
  • The boss - aged in his 30s/40s
  • The boss' wife - also aged in her 30s/40s
We have decided to have the burglar as a female character called Jade because it opposes the stereotype that a burglar would be a male. Jade is very intimidating and violent and also carries a weapon (knife) which shows that females can be equally as dangerous, scary and cruel. Most of the audience would expect the burglar to be a male however we want to challenge this stereotype as people perceive women as being non-aggressive and more nurturing, this will surprise our audience and make it more interesting as a different angle has been taken. 

  • Costume - dark clothing, smart black jacket, balaclava, leather gloves, gang tattoo 
  • Props- gun, mobile, rope, tape, blind fold
  • Lighting - mostly low key lighting to portray the mystery to ultimately thrill the audience
Location: The film trailer will be set locally in Birmingham. We will use at least 3 locations to keep it interesting, this will include; Plantsbrook School, an alleyway and a basement or dark room. 

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