Monday 20 October 2014

Shot list for key scene two

  1. CU of danger sign 
  2. Mid-shot of Wayne walking along minding his own business 
  3. Establishing shot of Wayne walking down the alleyway 
  4. OSS shot showing gang members walking behind Wayne 
  5. MS from in front of Wayne of the two members behind grabbing him
  6. LS of the other two gang members joining in 
  7. High angle shot looking down on Wayne and the group
  8. LS pushing Wayne up against the wall 
  9. POV shot showing the gang members shouting abuse at Wayne 
  10. CU of the gang members face
  11. MS of the gang members huddling around Wayne
  12. LS of one gang member putting bag over Wayne's head
  13. LS of them dragging Wayne over to the boot of a car
  14. Low angle shot of them dragging him towards the camera
  15. Black screen to show sudden ending 

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